It's been some time since I last wrote anything here,but as for an excuse I'll say that I've been very busy. In my life occurred some changes...it's like I'm awakened again from the darkness that started to shade my soul,and I say darkness I don't mean evil or something like that,just the feeling that this world doesn't deserve anything,but you see....I'm wrong again, it's not the first,and sure it won't be the last time when I'll be wrong. Someone said that the most powerfull strength within ourself is the ability to forget and to take it all from the begining. As for me,as I said long ago to someone,I'm a soul that will never be understood, I'd like to think that I've find my SoulMaiden or soul mate,but onestly at this point I'm not sure of anything...It could finish even tomorrow,but for now it's all going well and I can say that I'm realy happy,not a fake happines....I feel the real thing,and along with that it comes the subtile fear of not wanted to lose that feeling. I wanted to say that I really love,but in these days there are so few who still belive in that thing called "love" so I feel a restain for every time I'm saing it.